Tell Tale Tusk

TTT Quartet- NG Steps JPEG.jpeg


Anna Lowenstein - Fiddle
Fiona Fey - Vocals/Guitar/Clarinet
Reyhan Yusuf - Vocals/Percussion
Laura Inskip - Vocals/Guitar/Clarinet

Tell Tale Tusk were an award-winning, contemporary British folk ensemble who worked together between 2012-2020.

From international street music competitions in the Basque country to parish halls in rural middle England, major London venues to hospital atriums, Tell Tale Tusk charmed and entertained wherever they went.


Administration and Production

Anna managed a number of aspects of the band including producing creative projects such as the commissioning and co-ordinating the making of

The January Man

Puppet maker and operator - Eti Meacock
Director and film-maker - Oskar Brockbank
Recorded and Mixed by Gabor Halasz at Bally Studios

Tell Tale Tusk - Balabam - 13DEC17 --24.jpg

Composition and Arrangement

The band worked collaboratively to compose and arrange both original and traditional material.
Anna is a keen lyrist, writing a number of the band’s songs: you can listen to her words on the track below and

Find their studio EP Through The Morning
and the posthumous collection Farewell

This performance was recorded and filmed live at Sage Gateshead during a Summer Studios creative residency.

A song for our times: Two Degrees is an original folksong for the 21st Century about the climate crisis.

An old English folk song about love, loss and not taking your pregnant girlfriend to war with you. Arranged by Tell Tale Tusk